Essence of the Alps
Oasi Zegna, between history and nature


The Essence of the Alps is in Biella, and one the places that best represent our territory is Oasi Zegna. From the idea of Ermenegildo Zegna, founder of the homonymous textile group, the 100 km2 area in between Valle Cervo and Trivero became the natural park that we now know, which combines astounding views on the mountains and the relax we can experience in the nature.

In a journey through time, a few kilometers away from the main town, we visit the Zegna Family House, where everything came to life. The 30s style building is in Lanificio Zegna, which is still active today. We will see the original tapestry, furniture and objects from the very first years of activity in Negozio n.1 , and it will feel as if everything has stopped in time.

Let’s combine industry to wellness, and go for a ride on the beautiful Panoramica: a unique 13km road on the Alps that gives us glimpses on the Monte Rosa Massif.

After a tasty lunch at Bucaneve Restaurant, we relax and enjoy a walk in the woods in Bosco del Sorriso, where we can experience Forest Bathing, and we will leave refreshed and relaxed, a perfect end of the day.

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Custom nature
Number of participants
Minimum 2, maximum 12 people

EUR 190 per person

Activity duration
1-day activity - dates upon request

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