Alpi Marittime most beautiful climbs


The Alpi Marittime, an island of granite throughout the south-western part of the Alpine chain, with its rugged and wild mountains form a large mosaic of lakes, meadows and spiers.
We are in the heart of the park of the Alpi Marittime-Mercantour where panoramic views, places rich in fauna, a sought-after flora has become very fascinating … “king’s places” … holidays, literally where Savoia royal family usually spent their vacations.
A dense network of paved paths and mule tracks interspersed with alpine refuges signal to discover even the most remote corners where tranquility and beauty mix in harmony.
The climbing possibilities in the Gesso valley are many and you will surely be surprised by the excellent quality of the gneiss which in some areas take on more granitic characteristics. The Corno Stella, an imposing 500m high rock, is the absolute protagonist and is the master in this surreal scenario, to say the least.

Number of participants

€2420 for 2 persons

€2150 for 1 person

Alpine Guide Half-board to be divided among participants

Activity duration
5 days / 4 nights

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