Provenzale-Castello great traverse


The Castello-Provenzale group a quartz rock complex characterized by a series of impressive towers located in the center of the Maurin valley. These imposing stone skyscrapers located behind the characteristic village of Chiappera represent the heart of the upper Maira valley. The great traverse of the Group starts reaching the top of the Rocca Provenzale via the normal route. From here the suggestive and sharp ridge of Punta Figari leads straight to the foot of the imposing south-east corner of the Torre Castello. From the passyou will climb the incredible vertical edge first climbed by Ettore Castiglioni in 1936, looking for the weak point of the wall with a sinuous itinerary. Simply unmissable.

Number of participants

€ 830 for 2 Persons
€ 730 for 1 Person

Activity duration
2 days / 1 nights

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