Alpi Liguri 2 days climbing – Triora e Pietravecchia


Valle Argentina and Nervia, destination of this program, are typical valleys of the Ligurian west hinterland, starting from the sea and winding towards the mountain and they are both particularly rich in history. Both converge in the Toraggio / Pietravecchia limestone group, mountains reaching 2000mt of altitude just 20 km away from the sea. The whole area is particularly well-known for three reasons: the war infrastructures of the ‘Vallo Alpino’ and, above all, the “Sentiero degli Alpini”, a suspended path often dug out of the rock overhanging the valley below; the spring flowering: in the same excursion you can observe the three varieties of lilies of the Alps; the typical cuisine, that here gives its best: goat and beans, the ciapazoi with bruzzu and the stockfish in the particular version of the Brandacujun.

Climbing, Mountain climbing
Number of participants

1 Person     € 1020,00

2 Persons     € 610,0/p.

Activity duration
2 days / 1 nights

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